Global Yes to Conservation

The ecosystem is dependent on us for survival, and We must arise as intentional advocates of the environment. Humans are the causes of pollution, waste and disruption of biodiversity activities. Conservation means to protect, care and manage the Earth and its inherent resources for current and future generations. We have caused a lot of damages already. It is our responsibility to care for the planet, its resources and survival of all life for our future and collective well-being.


In environmental physiology, homing is a behavioral process by which an animal returns to its original location, nesting site, or breeding ground after it has migrated or travelled a significant distance away from it. Homing is often observed in migratory birds, sea turtles, fish, and certain mammals, which use various sensory cues to navigate back to their original location.

The exact mechanisms and cues used for homing may vary depending on the species and the environmental conditions. For example, homing in birds may be guided by celestial cues such as the position of the sun or the stars, as well as by geomagnetic cues from the Earth's magnetic field. In oceanic animals, homing may be guided by olfactory cues, which allow them to detect the chemical signature of their original location.

The ability to home accurately is thought to be critical for an animal's survival and reproductive success, and may have evolved through natural selection as a way to optimize migration patterns and navigate through complex environments.

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